Campbellford Memorial Hospital

Erin Keogh's journey to nursing was a testament to following her heart's calling. Despite starting her career in accounting, where she was responsible for accounts payable, purchasing and payroll, Erin felt a profound longing to care for others—a calling that after several years working for a large retail company, she could no longer ignore. “I was missing my why,” she noted. “I had always had a strong instinct to care for and nurture others, so I finally made the leap into nursing and enrolled in the Practical Nursing Program at Loyalist College at the age of 23.”

Following completion of her program, Erin joined CMH in 2009. Speaking about her early days at CMH Erin noted that forcing herself beyond her comfort zone was key to developing the skills she would need later in her career. “Lisa Clare and I started a 'Wound Care Committee' to provide education, standardization of products, and oversight on the Inpatient Unit. Proposing a change, especially when you are the new kids on the unit, can be scary, but the lessons learned were invaluable.”

Reflecting on the importance of International Women’s Day, Erin spoke about the profound influence, guidance and support of a number of remarkable women mentors who have helped shape her career. Val McGeachy, a family friend and the only RPN Erin knew prior to entering the field, introduced her to the diverse array of opportunities within healthcare, igniting her passion for nursing. Michelle Jarvis, a clinical instructor during her time at Loyalist, provided support during challenging times, guiding Erin through the overwhelming moments and emotions of being a nursing student, helping to keep her on track when she thought of quitting. There was also Penny Marshman, Erin's CMH preceptor, who taught Erin the importance of empathy and compassion in patient care, as well as the transformative power of kindness and patience. “She never let us forget that the reason we came to work was for the patients.”

Erin also acknowledged more recent mentors, like Heather Campbell and Judy Fleming. Explaining “these women inspire me with their practical approaches to big ideas. They are patient, kind, and brilliant. Their work is slowly changing healthcare in our community and they make it their mission to help others grow, myself included.”

Erin currently serves as Manager of Health Information and Chief Privacy Officer and notes that CMH holds a special place in her heart due to its supportive community and opportunities for personal and professional growth. “We have opportunities to develop and grow that may not be available elsewhere,” she says, “and we have a community that provides amazing support.”

Outside of work, Erin treasures moments spent with family, including her two children and loving husband. Gardening is a shared passion for her and her husband, providing a source of joy and relaxation. Outside of home, she can often be found cheering on her kids and their hockey teams at the arena or sitting on the beach at the lake with her family and friends.